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New technologies are emerging day by day. Hers are the top advanced technologies that are in militaries. Let's ride to it...
In the past, high-tech weapons programs were canceled to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But now the Army says new technologies for ground troops could soon be on the way.

Stealth Technology

The aim of stealth generation is to make an aircraft invisible to radar. There are two extraordinary ways to create invisibility: The plane can be fashioned so that any radar indicators it displays are contemplated away from the radar equipment. The aircraft can be included in materials that soak up radar alerts. The most traditional plane has a rounded shape. This shape makes them aerodynamic, however, it also creates a totally green radar reflector. The round form way that no matter where in the radar sign hits the plane, a number of the sign receives contemplated back:
A stealth aircraft, on the alternative hand, is made up of completely flat surfaces and very sharp edges. When a radar sign hits a stealth plane, the sign reflects away at an angle, like this:
Northrop Grumman Footage GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
In addition, surfaces on a stealth aircraft can be dealt with so they take in radar power as well. The overall result is that a stealth aircraft like an F-117A may have the radar signature of a small bird in place of an airplane. The handiest exception is when the aircraft banks -- there will often be a second while one of the panels of the plane will perfectly reflect a burst of radar power returned to the antenna.

Electrothermal-Chemical Technology

Electrothermal-chemical (ETC) technology is an try to boom accuracy and muzzle strength of destiny tank, artillery, and close-in weapon system guns by improving the predictability and price of enlargement of propellants inside the barrel. An electrothermal-chemical gun uses a plasma cartridge to ignite and control the ammunition's propellant, using electrical energy to trigger the process.
Plans for a new US super tank with an electrothermal chemical gun
ETC will increase the overall performance of traditional strong propellants, reduces the effect of temperature on propellant enlargement, and lets in for more advanced, better density propellants to be used. It is possible that electrothermal-chemical gun propulsion might be an integral part of the US Army's destiny combat gadget and people of different countries together with Germany and the United Kingdom. Electrothermal-chemical generation is part of broad research and improvement application that encompasses all-electric powered gun technology, inclusive of railguns and coil guns.

Directed-Energy Weapon

A directed-power weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with fairly focused strength, together with laser, microwaves, and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology encompass guns that concentrate on personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices. In the United States, the Pentagon, DARPA, the Air Force Research Laboratory, United States Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center, and the Naval Research Laboratory are discovering directed-electricity weapons and railguns to counter ballistic missiles, hypersonic cruise missiles, and hypersonic glide vehicles. These structures of missile protection are anticipated to return online no sooner than the mid to late-2020s.
Air Force Future Tech: COMACC talks Laser-Equipped Aircraft
Directed strength weapons ought to have several main benefits over traditional weaponry: Directed-energy weapons may be used discreetly; radiation above and beneath the seen spectrum is invisible and does no longer generate sound. Light is, for all sensible purposes, essentially unaffected with the aid of gravity, windage, and Coriolis force, giving it an almost flawlessly flat trajectory. This makes aim plenty more particular and extends the variety to line-of-sight, limited only by using beam diffraction and spread (which dilute the strength and weaken the effect), and absorption or scattering by means of intervening atmospheric contents. Lasers travel at light-speed and feature near-endless range and are therefore suitable for use in space warfare.

Sonic Weapons
Sonic Cannon
Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of diverse types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. Some sonic guns are presently in constrained use or in research and development by navy and police forces. Some of these guns have been described as sonic bullets, sonic grenades, sonic mines, or sonic cannons. Some make a centered beam of sound or ultrasound; a few make an area of sound.

Augmented Reality Headset

The Army marked an agreement for 100,000 HoloLens headsets from Microsoft for $479 million in late 2018 and they should begin arriving at battle units inside the following year or thereabouts, when the Army makes sense of precisely how to utilize them. The thought is to give infantrymen and different soldiers genuine heads-up shows. Big haulers could even transparent their shield to more readily follow foe vehicles. 

The Army and different branches have investigated expanded reality previously, so there's a lot of foundation previously done. When the HoloLens is fused, infantry could simply look around and see where their fire support is, that it is so far from their target, and where their crew bolster robot is. Speaking of which...

US Army Outfits Soldiers with Augmented Reality Headsets

There are more and more technologies are in research and development but, nothing can beat the power of the nuclear weapon💀
Here is What Happens if WW3 starts tomorrow? Visit to know more.
Let's stay in peace and live a happy life 
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